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Installation and updates

Update binary installation

$ prometheus --version
prometheus, version 2.28.1 (branch: HEAD, revision: b0944590a1c9a6b35dc5a696869f75f422b107a1)
  build user:       root@2915dd495090
  build date:       20210701-15:20:10
  go version:       go1.16.5
  platform:         linux/amd64
$ curl -s | grep browser_download_url | grep linux-amd64 | cut -d '"' -f 4 | wget -i -
$ tar xvf prometheus-2.29.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ mv prometheus-2.29.2.linux-amd64/{prometheus,promtool} /usr/local/bin/
$ prometheus --version
prometheus, version 2.29.2 (branch: HEAD, revision: 752c4f11ae86effa9a46f017f2feb66730c67ed8)
  build user:       root@61bcc9848ade
  build date:       20210827-09:44:22
  go version:       go1.16.7
  platform:         linux/amd64
$ service prometheus restart


Prometheus data retention

While Prometheus' data retention is set to 15 days by default, it can easily be configured one of two ways: by size or by time.

Size-based retention is set using the --storage.tsdb.retention.size flag, specifying a maximum amount of disk space used by blocks. Time-based retention is set using the --storage.tsdb.retention.time flag, specifying the time range which Prometheus will keep available. This is a minimum, so it'll keep an entire block if some of it is still within the retention window.

Simply edit Prometheus' service file /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service

#ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP \$MAINPID
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/prometheus \
  --config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml \
  --storage.tsdb.path=/var/lib/prometheus \
  --storage.tsdb.retention.size=200GB \
  --web.console.templates=/etc/prometheus/consoles \
  --web.console.libraries=/etc/prometheus/console_libraries \
  --web.listen-address= \
  --web.external-url= \

Probing multiple DNS servers with Blackbox exporter

  - job_name: 'DNS'
    scrape_interval: 300s
    metrics_path: /probe
    # You can set internal labels that are called __param_<name>.
    # Those set URL parameter with the key <name> for the scrape request.
    # Populate domain label with domain portion of __address__
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        regex: (.*):.*$
        replacement: $1
        target_label: domain
      # Populate instance label with dns server IP portion of __address__
      - source_labels: [__address__]
        regex: .*:(.*)$
        replacement: $1
        target_label: instance
      # Populate module URL parameter with domain portion of __address__
      # This is a parameter passed to the blackbox exporter
      - source_labels: [domain]
        target_label: __param_module
      # Populate target URL parameter with dns server IP
      - source_labels: [instance]
        target_label: __param_target
      # Populate __address__ with the address of the blackbox exporter to hit
      - target_label: __address__
        # Real address of blackbox exporter (Assumed to be running on port 9115 on localhost)
        replacement: localhost:9115
    - targets:

Source: prometheus/blackbox_exporter


Delete timeseries metrics

Time series in Prometheus can be deleted over administrative HTTP API only (disabled by default).

To enabled it, pass --web.enable-admin-api flag to Prometheus through start-up script or docker-compose file, depending on installation method.

Use the following syntax to delete all time series metrics that match some label:

$ curl -X POST -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]={foo="bar"}'

To delete time series metrics that match some job or instance, run:

$ curl -X POST -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]={job="node_exporter"}'
$ curl -X POST -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]={instance=""}'

To delete all data from Prometheus, run:

$ curl -X POST -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/delete_series?match[]={__name__=~".+"}'

Note that the above API calls don’t delete data immediately.

The actual data still exists on disk and will be cleaned up in future compaction.

To determine when to remove old data, use --storage.tsdb.retention option e.g. --storage.tsdb.retention='365d'.

To completely remove the data deleted by delete_series send clean_tombstones API call:

$ curl -X POST -g 'http://localhost:9090/api/v1/admin/tsdb/clean_tombstones'


Last update: January 24, 2022