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Compile package from source

Install OpenWrt SDK build system dependencies

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential ccache ecj fastjar file g++ gawk gettext\
git java-propose-classpath libelf-dev libncurses5-dev libncursesw5-dev\
libssl-dev python python2.7-dev python3 unzip wget python3-distutils\
python3-setuptools python3-dev rsync subversion swig time xsltproc zlib1g-dev

Build OpenWrt toolchain

This is the cross-compilation toolchain for the QNAP TS-873A NAS.

$ git clone
$ cd Entware
$ make package/symlinks
$ cp configs/x64-3.2.config .config
$ make tools/install -j$(nproc)
$ make toolchain/install -j$(nproc)
$ make target/compile -j$(nproc)

Customize package Makefile

$ nano Entware/feeds/rtndev/urbackup-server/Makefile

Compile package

$ cd Entware
$ make package/urbackup-server/compile -j$(nproc) V=s

The build output will be available under bin/targets/<arch>.

Enabling debugging symbols when compiling package

Entware (OpenWrt) does not officially support debugging on device and therefor strips all symbols during package creation. The only way to debug programs on device is to use unstripped binaries on the build host and gdbserver on device.

Follow the instructions above but stop before compiling the package.

The easy way


Here be dragons! This method is not officially supported and could have unforeseen side effects.

Disable Entware (OpenWrt) RSTRIP function

To disable the strip feature baked into Entware's, add



include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/

in your package's Makefile.


The hard but official way

Enable compiling tools

In the directory the Entware repository was cloned to, run menuconfig

$ make menuconfig

Enable the GNU debugger gdb and GNU debugger gdbserver and as follows

Advanced configuration options (for developers) > Toolchain Options > Build gdb
Development > gdbserver
Add debugging to package

Add CFLAGS to the package Makefile and recompile.


Alternatively recompile the package with CONFIG_DEBUG set.

$ make package/urbackup-server/compile -j$(nproc) V=s CONFIG_DEBUG=y

Or you can enable debug info in menuconfig

Global build settings > Compile packages with debugging info
Using the GNU debugger

Start gdbserver on the target device.

$ gdbserver :9000 urbackupsrv run -u admin -v debug

In the compiling tree, use the Entware (OpenWrt) remote-gdb script.

$ ./scripts/remote-gdb ./build_dir/target-x86_64_glibc-2.27/urbackup-server-2.4.13/urbackupsrv

You'll be dropped into a gdb shell and will be able to set breakpoints, start program, backtraces, etc...

(gdb) b source-file.c:123
(gdb) c
(gdb) bt

If you want to restart the program, you'll need to set the remote path and arguments.

(gdb) set remote exec-file /opt/bin/urbackupsrv
(gdb) set args run -u admin -v debug
(gdb) run
(gdb) bt

Source: OpenWrt Documentation

Last update: February 2, 2022