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opkg is a lightweight package manager designed to add software to stock firmware of embedded devices.


opkg is the package manager used on the QNAP TS-873A.


Open the QNAP App Center, add the Qnapclub repository and install the Entware-std package. For more information between Entware's standard and alternative installation, refer to the dedicated Entware wiki page.


Download packages via TLS

Install wget as opkg uses it to fetch packages from repositories:

$ opkg install wget ca-certificates

Update opkg repository URL:

$ sed -i 's/http:\/\//https:\/\//g' /opt/etc/opkg.conf


Fix broken packages after opkg upgrade

$ opkg update
$ opkg upgrade
$ minidlna
  minidlna: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or director

Unfortunately, opkg isn't sophisticated enough to react to the fact that the minidlna dependencies have changed and that minidlna should be re-installed too. Instead, you have to do that manually:

$ opkg --autoremove remove minidlna
$ opkg install minidlna

As a last resort, if the solution provided above doesn't work, try the following:

$ opkg list-installed | grep -v "libc " | sed 's/ - .*$//' | grep ^lib | grep -v libpthread | grep -v libgcc | xargs -n 5 opkg --force-reinstall install

Last update: March 30, 2023